Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 4 : Getting into the World of Sea

Every one has been looking forward to this day.  That's because our company visit today commerced in the theme park, Sea World.  We begun visit with patting and touching their most popular dolphins.  We have taken beautiful photos with the dolphins, especially in such a sunny day.  This is the very first time for me to touch the body of a real dolphin.  It was really smooth but firm.  Thanks to Soo, I now have photo with a dolphin!

During the meeting with the Selena.  We have learnt a lot of this industry.  Synergy is an important to the business, to be successful, one must start off from the bottom position.  This helps the staff understand the entire business.  they have also discussed a lot with the social media and how to approach it.  

The purpose of the social media is to interact with the customers.  If the company know that they are not going to invest time and effort to the Facebook, opening one with damage their brand equity. Sea world understand that the voice of the people on social media can sometimes representing on behalf on the company.  Therefore, it is important for them to keep a balance between the voices from the business and from social media.There must be consistency throughout the voice within and outside the business.  One of the challenge for the business is to monitor and control the language and comments on the social medias.

After communicating with Selena, we stayed the rest of the day in the theme park.  We watched the fasinating show performed by the brilliant dolphins.  At 3:00 pm, some of our MMSP team members joined the diving program with the fish and sharks.  I was lucky enough to shoot photos for them.  Though it was really really really tiring, and seriously boiling hot, photos turned up to be pretty nice.  I  hope I didn't miss out anyone in the photos, as I can't recognize any of them under water....

At the end of the day, we have had a quick dinner and wandered around the night market in the surfers paradise.  This place was selling all sorts of interesting stuff from antiques to handmade items.  

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