Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 7: Sustainable Lend Lease ==> creative DDB

There were two very different company visits today.  The first one was Lend Lease.  The second one is DDB.

Lend Lease

Before visiting Lend Lease, I was expecting it to be a boring visit as it is a property managing company. However, after visiting Lend Lease, I did not think in the same way.  
We first took a tour in the building.  This building was rated to be six star sustainability.  All the facilities inside the building were up-to-date.  From ventilation to light sources, all the facilities are environmental friendly.  

Lend Lease is a global property management company, with business in over 35 different countries.  The core value of the company is the integration of living and retail.  They promote themselves with the slogan of "We live Retail".  In terms of Branding, each plaza of Lend Lease is locally branded.  This is to well-fit every plaza with the local customer segment.  

Lend Lease believes that shopping is an emotional experiences. Both traditional and new media is important to the company.  This helps the company target and communicate with different customers, who have different needs.  Lend Lease claims that social media enable one to connect relationship with customers and target them easier and accurately.  By using so, the brand become more relatable and human in customers' perception.  Lend Lease also gave us the different principles of using social media.

1. Make it conversational and relatable.
2. Don't delete or ignore negative posts.
3. Embrace the power of social media.
4. Value your community.


After visiting the interesting building of Lend Lease, we headed to the next stop, DDB.  Surprising, before our visit, we have to sign a document to ensure the content of the presentation to be keep confidential.  Instead of staying in the DDB Building, we had our meeting at the pub nearby, where their team have all their idea and inspiration created.  

DDB Believes that creativity is the most powerful tools in business.  Their core value is People, Product, and Profit.  They pointed out that the trends on the Internet is evolving rapidly.  Internet subscription is growing.  Every second, there is an internet subscription.  The growth of the internet is due to various factors :
1. Growth in internet access
2. Devices
3. Storage(like iCloud)
4. iPhone effects
There are different types of the mobile devices with there only the way of working.There will be a need in the desktop device, but the need of mobile devices will increase. DDB stated that mobile search has been increased for 3000% in the past three years.  Near field communication will be happening in the coming future and Check in is all about geolocation.  Therefore, Businesses are going to make use of is feature of geolocation.  This technology will help businesses to get out with the boundary of location and location and location.  

The visit also introduce several case studies to related to our researches.  However, due to the confidential agreement, I am not going to discuss it here  (let's keep it a secret~)   =)

We ended our day at a bar in the Darling harbor, we had a great dinner, and great drinks! 

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